
PERMOS Reports

Wir berichten regelmässig über die Permafrostmessungen in den Schweizer Alpen. Resultate, Grafiken und Daten sind in verschiedenen Berichten und Publikationen zu finden, sowohl online wie auch in gedruckter Version. 

Das «Swiss Permafrost Bulletin» ist unser jährlicher Online-Bericht über die Permafrostmessungen eines hydrologischen Jahres und wird seit 2019 publiziert. Über die SCNAT wird zudem jährlich eine Medienmitteilung zu den neuesten Beobachtungen veröffentlicht. Gedruckten Berichte zu «Permafrost in der Schweiz» (Glaziologische Berichte Permafrost, englisch mit deutscher Zusammenfassung) decken einen Zeitraum von vier Jahren ab, was in der Regel einer Vertragsperiode des Messnetzes entspricht. Alle Berichte können frei heruntergeladen werden. Gedruckte Exemplare der Glaziologischen Berichte können beim PERMOS Office kostenlos bestellt werden.

Das Swiss Permafrost Bulletin (SPB) ist unser jährlicher Online-Bericht, in dem die neuesten Messungen für jeweils ein hydrologisches Jahr (1. Oktober bis 30. September) beschrieben werden. Der entsprechende Datensatz wird jeweils mit einem DOI publiziert.

  • PERMOS 2024. Swiss Permafrost Bulletin 2023. Noetzli, J. and Pellet, C. (eds.) 25 pp, doi:10.13093/permos-bull-2024. [pdf 5.2 MB]
  • PERMOS 2023. Swiss Permafrost Bulletin 2022. Noetzli, J. and Pellet, C. (eds.) 22 pp, doi:10.13093/permos-bull-2023. [pdf 11.3 MB]
  • PERMOS 2022. Swiss Permafrost Bulletin 2021. Noetzli, J. and Pellet, C. (eds.) 21 pp, doi:10.13093/permos-bull-2022. [pdf 2.1 MB]
  • PERMOS 2021. Swiss Permafrost Bulletin 2019/2020. Noetzli, J. and Pellet, C. (eds.) 21 pp, doi:10.13093/permos-bull-2021. [pdf 5.7 MB]
  • PERMOS 2020. Swiss Permafrost Bulletin 2018/2019. Pellet, C. and Noetzli, J. (eds.) 20 pp, doi:10.13093/permos-bull-2020. [pdf 3.9 MB]

Die Serie «Permafrost in Switzerland (Glaciological Reports Permafrost)» sind gedruckte 4-Jahresberichte, welche von der Schweizer Kommission zur Kryosphärenbeobachtung der Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz herausgegeben werden und die Berichte «Glaciological Reports Glaciers» des Schweizer Gletschermessnetzes GLAMOS ergänzen. Die Berichte sind in englisch verfasst (Zusammenfassung in allen Schweizer Landessprachen).

  • PERMOS 2019. Permafrost in Switzerland 2014/2015 to 2017/2018. Noetzli, J., Pellet, C., and Staub, B. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 16–19 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 104 pp, [pdf 27.2 MB]
  • PERMOS 2016. Permafrost in Switzerland 2010/2011 to 2013/2014. Noetzli, J., Luethi, R., and Staub, B. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 12–15 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 85 pp, [pdf 17.8 MB]
  • PERMOS 2013. Permafrost in Switzerland 2008/2009 and 2009/2010. Noetzli, J. (ed.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 10/11 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 80 pp, [pdf 7.9 MB]
  • PERMOS 2010. Permafrost in Switzerland 2006/2007 and 2007/2008. Noetzli, J. and Vonder Muehll, D. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 8/9 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 68 pp, [pdf 9.3 MB]
  • PERMOS 2009. Permafrost in Switzerland 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. Noetzli, J., Naegeli, B., and Vonder Muehll, D. (eds.), Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 6/7 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 100 pp, [pdf 9 MB]
  • Vonder Muehll, D., Noetzli, J., Roer, I., Makowski, K. and Delaloye, R. 2007. Permafrost in Switzerland 2002/2003 and 2003/2004, Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 4/5 of the Cryospheric Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences and Department of Geography, University of Zurich, 106 pp, [pdf 11 MB]
  • Vonder Muehll, D., Noetzli, J., Makowski, K. and Delaloye, R. 2004. Permafrost in Switzerland 2000/2001 and 2001/2002, Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 2/3 of the Glaciological Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences and Department of Geography, University of Zurich, 86 pp, [pdf 6.4 MB]
  • Vonder Muehll, D., Delaloye, R., Haeberli, W., Hoelzle, M. and Krummenacher, B. 2001. Permafrost Monitoring Switzerland PERMOS, 1. Jahresbericht 1999/2000, Glaciological Report (Permafrost) No. 1 of the Glaciological Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences, 32 pp (in German). [pdf 1.3 MB]

Die neusten Resultate werden jährlich in einer Pressemitteilung via die Schweizer Kommission für Kryosphärenmessungen der Akademie für Naturwissenschaften Schweiz publiziert. 

  • 2024-06-06  
    Keine Erholung für den Permafrost in der Schweiz
    [de] [fr]
  • 2022-04-26  
    Nur oberflächliche Abkühlung für den Schweizer Permafrost
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  • 2021-04-08  
    Der Permafrost in der Schweiz erwärmt sich zunehmend
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  • 2020-07-21  
    Erwärmung des Permafrosts in der Schweiz – 20 Jahre Permafrostmessung
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  • 2019-03-19  
    Der Permafrost in der Schweiz erwärmt sich wieder
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  • 2018-04-09  
    Kurze Pause bei der Erwärmung des alpinen Permafrosts
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  • 2017-02-06  
    Fortschreitende Erwärmung des alpinen Permafrosts
    [de] [fr]
  • 2016-02-22  
    Rekordtemperaturen im alpinen Permafrost
    [de] [fr]


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Weitere Berichte

PERMOS-Daten sind Basisdaten zur Dokumentation und Beschreibung der langfristigen Permafrostentwicklung in den Schweizer Alpen. Wir tragen zu Berichten für die nationale Kryosphären- und die (inter-)nationale Klimabeobachtung bei.

Neuigkeiten und Resultate der nationalen Kryosphärenbeobachtung – Permafrost zusammen mit Schnee und Gletschern – werden jedes Jahr in der Zeitschrift des Schweizer Alpen-Clubs (SAC) «Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi» veröffentlicht.

PERMOS liefert auch Beiträge zu nationalen und internationalen Umwelt- oder Klimazustandsberichten oder Reports zu den Folgen der Klimaänderung.

Für die interessierte Öffentlichkeit berichten wir jährlich in der Zeitschrift des Schweizer Alpen Clubs – «Die Alpen/Les Alpes/Le Alpi», zusammen mit den nationalen Messnetzen für Schnee- und Gletscherbeobachtung. Seit 2022 werden die Berichte nur online publiziert, begleitet von einem Artikel zu einem aktuellen Thema der Schweizer Kryosphäre in der gedruckten Ausgabe.

  • Der schneeärmste Winter: Kryosphärenbericht 2023. Online report on the SAC-CAS website, 11.03.2024.
    [link de] [link fr]
  • Das Extremjahr 2022: Kryosphärenbericht 2022. Online report on the SAC-CAS website, 28.03.2023.
    [link de] [link fr]
  • Trotz viel Schnee: Keine Erholung für Gletscher und Permafrost: Kryosphärenbericht 2021. Online report on the SAC-CAS website, 30.03.2022.
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  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2019/2020. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 97, Nr. 6, 52–55, 2021.
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  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2018/2019. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 96, Nr. 6, 48–53, 2020.
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  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2017/2018. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 95, Nr. 7, 40–45, 2019.
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  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2016/2017. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 94, Nr. 8, 40–45, 2018.
    [de] [fr] [it]
  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2015/2016. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 93, Nr. 8, 45–51, 2017.
    [de] [fr] [it]
  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2014/2015. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 92, Nr. 8, 36-43, 2016.
    [de] [fr] [it]
  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2013/2014. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 91, Nr. 8, 46–52, 2015.
    [de] [fr] [it]
  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2012/2013. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 90, Nr. 8, 42–49, 2014.
    [de] [fr] [it]
  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2011/2012. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 89, Nr. 8, 52–61, 2013.
    [de] [fr] [it]
  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2010/2011. Die Alpen – Les Alpes – Le Alpi, Jg. 88, Nr. 10, 38–44, 2012.
  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2009/2010. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 87, Nr. 7, 46–52, 2011.
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  • Schnee – das Zünglein an der Waage: Unterschiedliche Wirkung auf Gletscher und Permafrost. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 87, Nr. 7, 53–56, 2011.
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  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2008/2009. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 86, Nr. 8, 42–48, 2010.
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  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2007/2008. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 85, Nr. 9, 52–59, 2009.
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  • Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost 2005/2006 und 2006/2007. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 84, Nr. 9, 47-56, 2008.
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  • Was Blockgletscher bewegt. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 83, Nr. 9, 2007. [de] [fr]
  • Permafrost in den Schweizer Alpen 2002/2003 und 2003/2004. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 81, Nr. 10, 2005.
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  • Permafrost in den Schweizer Alpen 2000/2001 und 2001/2002. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 79, Nr. 10, 2003.
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  • Mit PERMOS Permafrost erforschen. Die Alpen – Les Alpes, Jg. 78, Nr. 10, 2002.
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  • BAFU und MeteoSchweiz, 2020. Klimawandel in der Schweiz. Indikatoren zu Ursachen, Auswirkungen, Massnahmen. Umwelt-Zustand Nr. 2013, 105 pp.
  • IPCC 2019. Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere, Chapter 2 High Mountain Areas. Hock, R., Rasul, G., Adler, C, Cáceres, B., Gruber, S., Hirabayashi, Y., Jackson, M., Kääb, A., Kang, S., Kutuzov, S., Milner, A., Molau, U., Morin, S., Orlove, B., Steltzer, H., Allen, S., Arenson, L., Baneerjee, S., Barr, I., Bórquez, R., Brown, L., Cao, B., Carey, M., Cogley, G., Fischlin, A., de Sherbinin, A., Eckert, N., Geertsema, M., Hagenstad, M., Honsberg, M., Hood, E., Huss, M., Jimenez Zamora, E., Kotlarski, S., Lefeuvre, P.-M, López Moreno, J. I., Lundquist, J., McDowell, G., Mills, S., Mou, C., Nepal, S., Noetzli, J., Palazzi, E., Pepin, N., Rixen, C., Shahgedanova, M., McKenzie Skiles, S., Vincent, C., Viviroli, D., Weyhenmeyer, G., Yangjee Sherpa, P., Weyer, N., Wouters, B., Yasunari, T. J., You, Q.,Zhang, Y., 94 pp.
  • MeteoSwiss 2018. National Climate Observing System (GCOS Switzerland). Update 2018, 105 pp.
  • Huggel, C., Marty, C., Noetzli, J. and Paul, F. 2016. Schnee, Gletscher und Permafrost. In: Akademien Schweiz 2016. Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz. Grundlagen, Folgen, Perspektiven. Swiss Academies Reports 11(5), 80–83.
  • Plattner, G.-K, Stocker T.F., Marty, C., Noetzli, J., Paul, F. und Huggel, C. 2016. Ozean und Kryosphäre. In: Akademien Schweiz 2016. Brennpunkt Klima Schweiz. Grundlagen, Folgen, Perspektiven. Swiss Academies Reports 11(5), 60–67.
  • BAFU 2016: Sommer 2015: Hitze, Trockenheit und Auswirkungen auf Mensch und Umwelt. Bundesamt für Umwelt BAFU, Bern. Umwelt-Zustand Nr. 1629, 108 pp.
  • Swiss Confederation 2013. Impacts, vulnerability assessment and adaptation. Perroud, M. and Hohmann R. (eds). In: Switzerland’s Sixth National Communication and First Biennial Report under the UNFCCC, edited by Federal Office for the Environment, Bern, 321 pp.
  • Gärtner-Roer, I., Christiansen, H.H., Etzelmüller, B., Farbrot, H., Gruber, S., Isaksen, K., Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Krainer, K. and Noetzli, J. 2010. Permafrost. In: Voigt, T., Füssel, H.M., Gärtner-Roer, I., Huggel, C., Marty, C., and Zemp, M. (eds.): Impacts of climate change on snow, ice, and permafrost in Europe: observed trends, future projections, and socio-economic relevance. European Topic Centre on Air and Climate Change, Technical Paper 2010/13, 50–69.

Wissenschaftliche Publikationen

Das PERMOS Office und die PERMOS Partner sind aktiv in der Permafrostforschung tätig. Die im Rahmen von PERMOS erhobenen Daten werden in zahlreichen Studien zum Permafrost in der Schweiz, im Gebirge allgemein oder auch weltweit verwendet. 

In der untenstehenden Liste finde Sie Referenzen und Links zu den wissenschaftlichen Publikationen der letzten 10 Jahre, in denen Daten und Standorte von PERMOS verwendet wurden. Bitte kontaktieren Sie das PERMOS Office oder die Autoren, wenn Sie Fragen haben.

  • Noetzli J., Isaksen, K., Barnett, J., Chrisitiansen, H.H., Delaloye, R., Etzelmueller, B., Farinotti, D., Gallemann, T., Guglielmin, M., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., Hoelzle, M., Lambiel, C., Magnin, F., Oliva, M., Paro, L, Pogliotti, P., Riedl, C., Schoeneich, P., M., Valt, M., Vieli A., Philliips, M. 2024. Enhanced permafrost warming in European mountains in the 21st century. Nature Communications, 15, 10508,
  • Morard, S., Hilbich, C., Mollaret, C., Pellet, C., and Hauck, C. 2024. 20-year permafrost evolution documented through petrophysical joint inversion, thermal and soil moisture data. Environmental Research Letters, 19, 074074,
  • Farzamian, M., Blanchy, G., McLachlan, P., Vieira, G., Esteves, M., de Pablo, M.A., Triantafilis, J., Lippmann, E., and Hauck, C. 2024. Advancing Permafrost Monitoring with Autonomous Electrical Resistivity Tomography (A-ERT): Low-Cost Instrumentation and Open-Source Data Processing Tool. Geophysical Research Letters, 51 (6),
  • Guralnik, B., Tremblay, M.M., Phillips, M., Sellwood, E.L., Gribenski, N., Presl, R., Haberkorn, A., Sohbati, R., Shuster, D.L., Valla, P.G., Jain, M., Schindler, K., Wallinga, J. and Hippe, K. 2024. Three Centuries of Snowpack Decline at an Alpine Pass Revealed by Cosmogenic Paleothermometry and Luminescence Photochronometry. Geophysical Research Letters 51, e2023GL107385,
  • Hauck, C., and Hilbich, C. 2024. Preconditioning of mountain permafrost towards degradation detected by electrical resistivity. Environmental Research Letters,
  • Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A., Bodin, X., Delaloye, R., Lambiel, C., Gärtner-Roer, I., Bonnefoy-Demongeot, M., Carturan, L., Damm, B., Eulenstein, J., Fischer, A., Hartl, L., Ikeda, A., Kaufmann, V., Krainer, K., Matsuoka, N., Morra Di Cella, U., Noetzli, J., Seppi, R., Scapozza, C., Schoeneich, P., Stocker-Waldhuber, M., Thibert, E., and Zumiani, M. 2024. Acceleration and interannual variability of creep rates in mountain permafrost landforms (rock glacier velocities) in the European Alps in 1995–2022. Environmental Research Letters 19, 034022,
  • Kenner, R., Noetzli, J., Bazargan, M., and Scherrer, S.C. 2024. Response of alpine ground temperatures to a rising atmospheric 0 °C isotherm in the period 1955–2021. Science of The Total Environment, 924, 171446,
  • Wicky, J., Delaloye, R., Hilbich, C., Hauck, C. 2024. Modelling the link between air convection and the occurrence of short-term permafrost in a low altitude cold talus slope. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 0, 1–16,

  • Buckel, J., Mudler, J., Gardeweg, R., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., Frauenfelder, R., Kneisel, C., Buchelt, S., Blöthe, J. H., Hördt, A., and Bücker, M. 2023. Identifying mountain permafrost degradation by repeating historical electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) measurements, The Cryosphere, 17, 2919–2940,
  • Haeberli, W., Noetzli, J., and Vonder Muehll, D. 2023. Using borehole temperatures in knowledge transfer about mountain perma­frost: The example of the 35-year time series at Murtèl-Corvatsch (Swiss Alps). Journal of Alpine Research/Revue de géographie alpine, 111-2.
  • Herring, T, Lewkowicz, AG, Hauck, C, Hilbich, C., Mollaret, C., Oldenborger, G.A., Uhlemann, S., Farzamian, M., Calmels, F., Scandroglio, R. 2023: Best practices for using electrical resistivity tomography to investigate permafrost. Permafrost and Periglac Process. 2023; 1-19. doi:10.1002/ppp.2207.
  • Pavoni, M., Boaga, J., Wagner, F.M., Bast, A., and Phillips, M. 2023. Characterization of rock glaciers environments combining structurally-coupled and petrophysically-coupled joint inversions of electrical resistivity and seismic refraction datasets. Journal of Applied Geophysics, 215, doi:10.1016/j.jappgeo.2023.105097.
  • Phillips, M., Buchli, C., Weber, S., Boaga, J., Pavoni, M., and Bast, A. 2023. Brief communication: Combining borehole temperature, borehole piezometer and cross-borehole electrical resistivity tomography measurements to investigate seasonal changes in ice-rich mountain permafrost. The Cryosphere, 17, 753–760,
  • Widmer, L., Phillips, M., and Buchli, C. 2023. Brief communication: Comparison of the performance of thermistors and digital temperature sensors in a mountain permafrost borehole. The Cryosphere, 17, 4289–4295,

  • Cicoira, A., Weber, S., Biri, A., Buchli, B., Delaloye, R., Da Forno, R., Gaertner-Roer, I., Gruber, S., Gsell, T., Hasler, A., Lim, R., Limpach, P., Mayoraz, R., Meyer, M., Noetzli, J., Phillips, M., Pointner, E., Raetzo, H., Scapoza, C., Strozzi, T., Thiele, L., Vieli, A., Vonder Mühll, D., Wirz, V., and Beutel, J. 2022. Kinematic observations of the mountain cryosphere using in-situ GNSS instruments. Earth Systems Science Data,
  • Gaertner-Roer, I., Brunner, N., Delaloye, R., Haeberli, W., Kääb, A., Thee, P. 2022. Glacier–permafrost relations in a high-mountain environment: 5 decades of kinematic monitoring at the Gruben site, Swiss Alps. The Cryosphere, 16(5), 2083­–2101,
  • Gudmundsson, L., Kirchner, J., Gädeke, A., Noetzli, J., and Biskaborn, B.K. 2022. Attributing observed permafrost warming in the northern hemisphere to anthropogenic climate change. Environmental Research Letters, 17, 095014,
  • Hoelzle, M., Hauck, C., Mathys, T., Noetzli, J., Pellet, C., and Scherler, M. 2022. Long-term energy balance measurements at three different mountain permafrost sites in the Swiss Alps. Earth Systems Science Data, 14, 1531–1547,
  • Noetzli, J., Christiansen, H.H, Guglielmin, M., Hrbáček, F., Isaksen, K., Smith, S. L., Zhao, L. and Streletskiy, D. A. 2022. Permafrost temperature and active layer thickness. In: State of the Climate in 2021. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103 (8), 41–43,
  • Pellet.C., Bodin, X., Cusicanqui, D., Delaloye, R., Kääb, A., Kaufmann, V., Noetzli, J., Thibert, E., Vivero, S. and Kellerer-Pirklbauer, A. 2022. Rock glacier velocity. In: State of the Climate in 2021. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103 (8), 43–S45,
  • Smith, S.L., O’Neill, H.B., Isaksen, K., Noetzli, J., and Romanovsky, V.E. 2022. The changing thermal state of permafrost. Nature Reviews Earth and Environment, 3,

  • Haberkorn, A., Kenner, R., Noetzli, J., and Phillips, M. 2021. Changes in Ground Temperature and Dynamics in Mountain Permafrost in the Swiss Alps. Frontiers in Earth Sciences, 9:626686,
  • Gärtner-Roer I., and Hoelzle M. 2021. Rockglaciers of the Engadine. In: Reynard E. (eds.) Landscapes and Landforms of Switzerland. World Geomorphological Landscapes. Springer, Cham,
  • Kummert, M., Bodin, X., Braillard, L., and Delaloye, R. 2021. Pluri‐decadal evolution of rock glaciers surface velocity and its impact on sediment export rates towards high alpine torrents. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 46, 3213–3227,
  • Noetzli, J., Arenson, L., Bast, A., Delaloye, R. Farinotti, D., Gubler, H.-U, Gruber, S., Haeberli, W., Hasler, A., Hauck, C., Hiller, M., Hoelzle, M., Pellet, C., Springman, S., Vonder Muehll D., and Phillips, M. 2021. Best practice for measuring permafrost temperature in boreholes based on the experience in the Swiss Alps. Frontiers in Earth Science,
  • Noetzli, J., Christiansen, H.H., Isaksen, K., Smith, S., Zhao, L., and Streletskiy, D. A. 2021. Permafrost thermal state. In: State of the Climate in 2020. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
  • Pruessner, M., Huss, M., Phillips, and Farinotti, D. 2021. A framework for modeling rock glaciers and permafrost at the basin‐scale in high alpine catchments. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 13 (4),

  • Boaga, J., Phillips, M., Noetzli, J., Haberkorn, A., Kenner, R., and Bast, A. 2020. A comparison of frequency domain electro-magnetometry, electrical resistivity tomography and borehole temperatures to assess the presence of ice in a rock glacier. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8:586430,
  • Cicoira, A., Marcer, M., Gärtner‐Roer, I., Bodin, X., Arenson, L. U., and Vieli, A. 2020. A general theory of rock glacier creep based on in-situ and remote sensing observations. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 32(1), 139–153,
  • Etzelmueller, B., Guglielmin, M., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., Hoelzle, M., Isaksen, K., Noetzli, J., Oliva, M., and Ramos, M., 2020. Twenty years of European Mountain Permafrost dynamics – the PACE Legacy. Environmental Research Letters, 15, 104070,
  • Kenner, R., 2020. Mass wasting processes affecting the surface of an alpine talus slope: annual sediment budgets 2009-2018 at Flüelapass, eastern Swiss Alps. Land Degradation and Development, 31, 4, 451–462,
  • Kenner, R., Pruessner, L., Beutel, J., Limpach, P., and Phillips, M., 2020. How rock glacier hydrology, deformation velocities and ground temperatures interact: examples from the Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 31, 1, 3–14,
  • Mair, D., Lechmann, A., Delunel, R., Yeşilyurt, S., Tikhomirov, D., Vockenhuber, C., Christl, M., Akçar, N., and Schlunegger, F. 2020. The role of frost cracking in local denudation of steep Alpine rockwalls over millennia (Eiger, Switzerland). Earth Surface Dynamics, 637–659,
  • Mollaret, C., Wagner, F. M., Hilbich, C., Scapozza, C., and Hauck, C. 2020. Petrophysical Joint Inversion Applied to Alpine Permafrost Field Sites to Image Subsurface Ice, Water, Air, and Rock Contents. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8,
  • Noetzli, J. 2020. Permafrost in den Alpen – Langzeitbeobachtung und Entwicklung über zwei Jahrzehnte. In: Lozán, J. L., Breckle, S.-W., Escher-Vetter, H., Grassl, H., Kasang, D., Paul, F. und Schickdorff, U. (Hrsg.). Warnsignal Klima: Hochgebirge im Wandel, 166–173, Hamburg, Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen,
  • Noetzli, J., Christiansen, H.H., Isaksen, K., Smith, S., Zhao, L., and Streletskiy, D. A. 2020. Permafrost thermal state. In: State of the Climate in 2019. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 101 (8), 34–36,
  • Pellet, C., and Noetzli, J. 2020. Réchauffement du pergélisol en Suisse: 20 ans de mesures. GEOAgenda, 3, 10–14.
  • Phillips, M., Haberkorn, A., Kenner, R., and Noetzli, J. 2020. Current changes in mountain permafrost based on observations in the Swiss Alps. Swiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie. 25 (1+2), 53–63.
  • Scapozza C., Deluigi N., Del Siro C., Pollo A. and Antognini M. 2020. Il permafrost nelle Alpi Ticinesi (2017/2018 e 2018/2019). Bollettino della Società ticinese di scienze naturali 108, 33–43.
  • Strozzi, T., Caduff, R., Jones, N., Barboux, C., Delaloye, R., Bodin, X., Kääb, A., Mätzler, E. and Schrott, L. 2020. Monitoring rock glacier kinematics with satellite synthetic aperture radar. Remote Sensing, 12(3), 559,
  • Weigand, M., Wagner, F. M., Limbrock, J. K., Hilbich, C., Hauck, C., and Kemna, A. 2020. A monitoring system for spatiotemporal electrical self-potential measurements in cryospheric environments. Geoscientific Instrumentation, Methods and Data Systems, 9(2), 317–336,
  • Wicky, J. and Hauck, C. 2020. Air Convection in the Active Layer of Rock Glaciers. Frontiers of Earth Science 8:335,

  • Biskaborn, B.K., Smith, S.L., Noetzli, J., Matthes, H., Vieira, G., Streletskiy, D.A., Schoeneich, P., Romanovsky, V.E., Lewkowicz, T., Abramov, A., Allard, M., Boike, J., Cable, W.L., Christiansen, H.H., Delaloye, R., Diekmann, B., Drozdov, D., Etzelmuller, B., Grosse, G., Guglielmin, M., Ingeman- Nielsen, T., Isaksen, K., Ishikawa, M., Johansson, M., Johannsson, H., Joo, A., Kaverin, D., Kholodov, A., Konstantinov, P., Kroger, T., Lambiel, C., Lanckman, J.-P., Luo, D., Malkova, G., Meiklejohn, I., Moskalenko, N., Oliva, M., Phillips, M., Ramos, M., Sannel, A.B.K., Sergeev, D., Seybold, C., Skryabin, P., Vasiliev, A., Wu, Q., Yoshikawa, K., Zheleznyak, M., and Lantuit, H. 2019. Permafrost is warming at a global scale. Nature Communications 10, 264,
  • Cicoira, A., Beutel, J., Faillettaz, J., Gärtner-Roer, I., and Vieli, A. 2019. Resolving the influence of temperature forcing through heat conduction on rock glacier dynamics: a numerical modelling approach. The Cryosphere 16,
  • Kenner, R. 2019. Geomorphological analysis on the interaction of Alpine glaciers and rock glaciers since the Little Ice Age. Land Degradation and Development,
  • Kenner, R., Noetzli, J., Hoelzle, M., Raetzo, H., and Phillips, M. 2019. Distinguishing ice-rich and ice-poor permafrost to map ground temperatures and ice content in the Swiss Alps. The Cryosphere, 13, 1925–1941,
  • Mollaret, C., Hilbich, C., Pellet, C., Flores-Orozco, A., Delaloye, R. and Hauck, C. 2019. Mountain permafrost degradation documented through a network of permanent electrical resistivity tomography sites. The Cryosphere, 13 (10), 2557–2578,
  • Mudler, J., Hördt, A., Przyklenk, A., Fiandaca, G., Maurya, P.K. and Hauck, C. 2019. Two-dimensional inversion of wideband spectral data from the capacitively coupled resistivity method–first applications in periglacial environments.The Cryosphere, 13 (9), 2439–2456,
  • Noetzli, J. and Phillips, M. 2019. Mountain permafrost hydrology. Hydro-CH2018 Project. Commissioned by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN), Bern, Switzerland, 18 pp,
  • Noetzli, J., Biskaborn, B.K., Christiansen, H.H., Isaksen, K., Schoeneich, P., Smith, S., Vieira, G., Zhao, L., and Streletskiy, D. A. 2019. Permafrost thermal state. In: State of the Climate in 2018. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100 (9), 21–22,
  • Wagner, F.M., Mollaret, C., Günther, T., Kemna, A. and Hauck, C. 2019. Quantitative imaging of water, ice and air in permafrost systems through petrophysical joint inversion of seismic refraction and electrical resistivity data. Geophysical Journal International, 219 (3), 1866–1875,

  • Beniston, M., Farinotti, D., Stoffel, M., Andreassen, L. M., Coppola, E., Eckert, N., Fantini, A., Giacona, F., Hauck, C., Huss, M., Huwald, H., Lehning, M., López-Moreno, J.-I., Magnusson, J., Marty, C., Morán-Tejéda, E., Morin, S., Naaim, M., Provenzale, A., Rabatel, A., Six, D., Stötter, J., Strasser, U., Terzago, S., and Vincent, C. 2018. The European mountain cryosphere: a review of its current state, trends, and future challenges. The Cryosphere, 12, 759–794,
  • Kenner, R., Phillips, M., Limpach, P., Beutel, J., and Hiller, M. 2018. Monitoring mass movements using georeferenced time-lapse photography: Ritigraben rock glacier, western Swiss Alps. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 145, 127–134,
  • Noetzli, J., Christiansen, H.H., Deline, P., Gugliemin, M., Isaksen, K., Romanovsky, V., Smith, S., Zhao, L., and Streletskiy, D. A. 2018. Permafrost thermal state. In: State of the Climate in 2017. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 99 (8), 20–22,
  • Pruessner, L., Phillips, M., Farinotti, D., Hoelzle, M., and Lehning, M. 2018. Near-​surface ventilation as a key for modeling the thermal regime of coarse blocky rock glaciers. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 29 (3), 152–163,
  • Ravanel L., Duvillard P.-A., Jaboyedoff M., Lambiel L. 2018. Recent evolution of an ice‚Äêcored moraine at the Gentianes Pass, Valais Alps, Switzerland. Land Degradation & Development, 29 (10), 3693–3708,

  • Deluigi N., Lambiel C., Kanevski M. (2017). Data-driven mapping of the potential mountain permafrost distribution. Science of The Total Environment 590, 370­–380,
  • Haberkorn, A., Wever, N., Hoelzle, M., Phillips, M., Kenner, R., Bavay, M., and Lehning, M. 2017. Distributed snow and rock temperature modelling in steep rock walls using Alpine3D. The Cryosphere, 11, 585–607,
  • Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., and Mollaret, C. 2017. A Time-lapse Geophysical Model for Detecting Changes in Ground Ice Content Based on Electrical and Seismic Mixing Rules. In: 23rd European Meeting of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Malmö, 3.–7.9. 2017,
  • Kenner, R., Phillips, M., Beutel, J., Hiller, M., Limpach, P., Pointner, E., and Volken, M. 2017. Factors Controlling Velocity Variations at Short-Term, Seasonal and Multiyear Time Scales, Ritigraben Rock Glacier, Western Swiss Alps. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 28, 675–684,
  • Mewes, B., Hilbich, C., Delaloye, R., and Hauck, C. 2017. Resolution capacity of geophysical monitoring regarding permafrost degradation induced by hydrological processes. The Cryosphere, 11, 2957–2974,
  • Staub, B., Hasler, A., Noetzli, J. and Delaloye, R. 2017. Gap filling algorithm for ground surface temperature data measured in permafrost and periglacial environments. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes,
  • Streletskiy, D., Biskaborn, B., Noetzli, J., Lanckman, J-P., Romanovsky, V., Schoeneich, P., Shiklomanov, N., Smith, S., Vieira, G., and Zhao, L. 2017. Permafrost thermal state. In: State of the Climate in 2016. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99, 19–21,
  • Pellet, C., and Hauck, C. 2017. Monitoring soil moisture from middle to high elevation in Switzerland: set-up and first results from the SOMOMOUNT network, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 21, 3199–3220,
  • Wicky, J. and Hauck, C. 2017. Numerical modelling of convective heat transport by air flow in permafrost talus slopes, The Cryosphere, 11(3), 1311–1325,

  • Frey, B., Rime, T., Phillips, M., Stierli, B., Hajdas, I., Widmer, F., and Hartmann, M. 2016. Microbial diversity in European alpine permafrost and active layers. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 92,
  • Luethi, R. and Phillips, M. 2016. Challenges and solutions for long-term permafrost borehole temperature monitoring and data interpretation. Geographica Helvetica, 71(2), 121–131,
  • Luethi, R., Phillips, M., and Lehning, M. 2016. Estimating non-conductive heat flow leading to intra-permafrost talik formation at the Ritigraben rock glacier (Western Swiss Alps). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 1–12,
  • Marmy, A., Rajczak, J., Delaloye, R., Hilbich, C., Hoelzle, M., Kotlarski, S., Lambiel, C., Noetzli, J., Phillips, M., Salzmann, N., Staub, B., and Hauck, C. 2016. Semi-automated calibration method for modelling of mountain permafrost evolution in Switzerland, The Cryosphere 10, 2693–2719,
  • Noetzli, J., Christiansen, H., Gugliemin, M., Romanovsky, V., Shiklomanov, N., Smith, S. and Zhao, L. 2016. Permafrost thermal state. In: State of the Climate in 2015. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 98, 20–21,
  • Phillips, M., Haberkorn, A., Draebing, D., Krautblatter, M., Rhyner, H., and Kenner, R. 2016. Seasonally intermittent water flow through deep fractures in an Alpine rock ridge: Gemsstock, Central Swiss Alps. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 125, 117–127,
  • Pellet, C., Hilbich, C., Marmy, A. and Hauck, C. 2016. Soil Moisture Data for the Validation of Permafrost Models Using Direct and Indirect Measurement Approaches at Three Alpine Sites. Frontiers Earth Science 3:91,
  • Riebler, T. 2016. Statistical analysis of spatial and temporal variability of ground surface temperatures in Alpine terrain. MSc Thesis, Department of Geography, University of Zurich, 113pp.
  • Staub, B., and Delaloye, R. 2016. Using Near-Surface Ground Temperature Data to Derive Snow Insulation and Melt Indices for Mountain Permafrost Applications. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes,
  • Haeberli, W., Hauck, C., and Noetzli, J. 2016. Alpiner Permafrost. PROMET – Meteorologische Fortbildung, Heft 98 Hochgebirgsmeteorologie und Glaziologie, 78–94.

  • Ekici, A., Chadburn, S., Chaudhary, N., Hajdu, L. H., Marmy, A., Peng, S., Boike, J., Burke, E., Friend, A. D., Hauck, C., Krinner, G., Langer, M., Miller, P. A., and Beer, C. 2015. Site-level model intercomparison of high latitude and high altitude soil thermal dynamics in tundra and barren landscapes. The Cryosphere, 9, 1343–1361,
  • Haberkorn, A., Phillips, M., Kenner, R., Rhyner, H., Bavay, M., Galos, S. P., and Hoelzle, M. 2015. Thermal Regime of Rock and its Relation to Snow Cover in Steep Alpine Rock Walls: Gemsstock, Central Swiss Alps. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography, 97, 579–597,
  • Haberkorn, A., Hoelzle, M., Phillips, M., and Kenner, R. 2015. Snow as a driving factor of rock surface temperatures in steep rough rock walls. Cold Regions Science and Technology, 118, 64–75,
  • Hauck, C. 2015. Bedeutende Permafrostgebiete in den Gebirgen. In: Lozán, J. L., H. Grassl, D. Kasang, D. Notz & H. Escher-Vetter (Hrsg.). Warnsignal Klima: Das Eis der Erde (Kap. 3.4), 87–93,
  • Noetzli, J., Christiansen, H., Romanovsky, V., Shiklomanov, N., Smith, S., Viera, G., and Zhao, L. 2015. Permafrost thermal state and active layer thickness. In: State of the Climate in 2014. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97 (8), 17–18,
  • Scapozza C., Baron L., Lambiel C. 2015. Borehole logging in alpine periglacial talus slopes (Valais, Swiss Alps). Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 26, 67–83,
  • Staub, B., Marmy, A., Hauck, C., Hilbich, C., and Delaloye, R. 2015. Ground temperature variations in a talus slope influenced by permafrost: a comparison of field observations and model simulations, Geographica Helvetica, 70, 45–62,
  • Staub, B. 2015. The evolution of mountain permafrost in the context of climate change - towards a comprehensive analysis of permafrost monitoring data from the Swiss Alps. PhD-Thesis, Faculty of Science, University of Fribourg, 225pp,

  • Kenner, R., Bühler, Y., Delaloye, R., Ginzler, C., and Phillips, M. 2014. Monitoring of high alpine mass movements combining laser scanning with digital airborne photogrammetry. Geomorphology, 206, 492–504,
  • Marty, C., Abegg, B., Bauder, A., Marmy, A., Lüthi, M. P., Bavay, M., Hauck, C., Hoelzle, M. Huss, M., Salzmann, N., Schlögl, S., Steiger, R., Farinotti, D. 2014. Cryospheric aspects of climate change – impacts on snow, ice, and ski tourism. In: CH2014 – Impacts: Toward quantitative scenarios of climate change Impacts in Switzerland (Eds. Raible, C.C. and Strassmann, K.M.), Cryospheric aspects of climate change – impacts on snow, ice, and ski tourism. OCCR, FOEN, MeteoSwiss, C2SM, Agroscope, and ProClim, 49-56, ISBN: 978-3-033-04406-7.
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  • Scherler, M., Schneider, S., Hoelzle, M. and Hauck, C. 2014. A two-sided approach to estimate heat transfer processes within the active layer of the Murtèl–Corvatsch rock glacier. Earth Surface Dynamics, 2, 141–154,
  • Christiansen, H., Noetzli, J., Romanovsky, V., Shiklomanov, N., Smith, S., Viera, G., and Zhao, L. 2013. Permafrost thermal state. In: State of the Climate in 2012. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 15–16,
  • Hauck, C. 2013. New concepts in geophysical surveying and data interpretation for permafrost terrain. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes 24, 131–137,
  • Marmy, A., Salzmann, N., Scherler, M. and Hauck, C. 2013. Permafrost model sensitivity to seasonal climatic changes and extreme events in mountainous regions. Environmental Research Letters 8, 035048,
  • Rosset, E., Hilbich, C., Schneider, S., Hauck, C. 2013. Automatic filtering of ERT monitoring data in mountain permafrost. Near Surface Geophysics 11 (4), 423 – 433,
  • Scherler, M., Hauck, C., Hoelzle, M., and Salzmann N. 2013. Modeled sensitivity of two alpine permafrost sites to RCM-based climate scenarios, Journal of Geophysical Research, Earth Surface, 118, 780–794,
  • Schneider, S., Daengeli, S., Hauck, C., and Hoelzle, M. 2013. A spatial and temporal analysis of different periglacial materials by using geoelectrical, seismic and borehole temperature data, at Murtèl-Corvatsch, Upper Engadin, Swiss Alps. Geographica Helvetica, 68, 1–16,
  • Boeckli, L., Brenning, A., Gruber, S., and Noetzli, J. 2012. Permafrost distribution in the European Alps: calculation and evaluation of an index map and summary statistics. The Cryosphere 6, 807–820,
  • Boeckli, L., Brenning, A., Gruber, S., and Noetzli, J. 2012. A statistical permafrost distribution model for the European Alps. The Cryosphere, 6, 125–140,
  • Hauck, C., Collet, C., Delaloye, R., Hilbich, C., Hoelzle, M., Huss, M., Salzmann, N. 2012. The potential of new measurement and modelling techniques in alpine cryosphere and geomorphology research. Geographica Helvetica 1-2/2012, 26–37,
  • Krautblatter, M., and Hauck, C. 2012. Neue Forschungsansätze zur räumlichen und zeitlichen Dynamik des Gebirgspermafrostes und dessen Naturgefahrenpotentials (New approaches to study the spatial and tempral dynamics of mountain permafrost and its geohazard potential). Polarforschung, Bremerhaven, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research and German Society of Polar Research, 81 (1), 57–68, ISSN: 00322490, hdl:10013/epic.39229.
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  • Zenklusen Mutter, E., and Phillips, M. 2012. Active layer characteristics at ten borehole sites in alpine permafrost Terrain, Switzerland. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes, 23, 138–151,

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