Data Portal

Rock falls

Rock fall events that originate from permafrost areas are documented by the WSL Institute for Snow and Avalanche Research SLF in the framework of PERMOS. 

We collect information on rock fall events originating from permafrost in the Alps. We receive data and photos from different sources such as mountain guides, hazard managers, hut wardens, climbers, researchers or seismic signals detected by the Swiss Seismological Service. The best documented events are available for browsing and visualization in this portal. The collection of information is managed by SLF. A questionnare for reporting is available here.

Please note: The rock fall information available here is a curated and selected documentation of events. It is not a complete inventory! There is an observation bias (e.g., more people in the mountains, rising awareness, increased availability of smartphones for pictures/movies), so the data are not particularly appropriate for statistical analyses.



All PERMOS data are open access for use under the requirement of correct citation according to the PERMOS Data Policy (CC BY 4.0). We highly recommend to contact the PERMOS Office and/or the principal investigators and responsible institutions when working with PERMOS data!


The data provided on this portal can be subject to errors and inaccuracies (such as gaps, measurement instabilities, thermistor drift, physical disturbances, changes in measurement setup) that have only partly been filtered out. We strongly advice to perform data quality checks when using the data and to contact the PERMOS Office as well as the responsible principal investigator(s)!